Highfield Level 2 Award in Health and Safety within the Workplace (RQF)

This course is available to take as Qualify At Home, turning home working into home learning and qualifying and helping you keep your business on the front foot during the COVID-19 crisis.

Who is this qualification for?

This qualification is designed to provide learners with knowledge of the basic health and safety practices essential in the workplace.


  • The responsibilities and employers and employees
  • The benefits of good health and safety
  • Steps to a risk assessment
  • Common causes of and how to reduce accidents, near misses and ill-health
  • Typical hazards and controls in the workplace
  • Emergency procedures and the importance of recording accidents, near misses and ill-health occurrences


More Information

For more information on how studying a Highfield course at Horizon Risk Consultancy can benefit you and your workplace, please contact us. Call 01484 937128 or email info@horizonriskconsultancy.com

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    Suggested Progression

    HABC Level 2 Award in Risk Assessment
    HABC Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace