
Sustainable development recognizes that the three ‘Pillars’ – the Economy, Society and the Environment are interconnected.

The UK Government’s vision for sustainable development builds on the five interrelated guiding principles which form the basis for sustainable development in the UK. It recognises the needs of the economy, society and the natural environment, alongside the use of good governance and sound science.

Diagram of the five interrelated guiding principles for sustainability        Source:

How Can We Help?

Our service focuses on the key opportunity areas such as Pollution Prevention, Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction. Below are some examples of how we can help you to achieve your business goals:

  • Helping you to establish Sustainability vision, mission, road map and goals
  • Giving you a free initial assessment to identify the gaps and weak areas for improvement
  • Helping you to identify and prioritise the Energy Saving and Waste Reduction opportunities
  • Supporting you to implement the projects with practical guidance
  • Helping you to integrate an Environmental Management System and Energy Management System into your business process to increase business efficiency
  • Conducting a periodic audit to help you identify areas for continuous improvement using internationally recognised ISO Management Systems such as ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 50001 Energy Management System and ESOS

Want to Know More About the ESOS Scheme?

On 26 June 2014, the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) published the ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) Regulations 2014. ESOS is an energy assessment scheme that is mandatory for large organizations in the UK with more than 250 employees, turnover in excess of €50m and an annual balance sheet total of €43m. The UK scheme administrator is the Environment Agency.
An ESOS Assessment requires participants to:

  • Measure your total energy consumption
  • Measure your total energy consumption across buildings, transport and industrial activities
  • Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities
  • Ensure that at least 90% of your total energy consumption is subject to an ESOS compliant energy audit, a Display Energy Certificate, a Green Deal Assessment or a certified ISO 50001 Energy Management System during each phase of the scheme
  • Report compliance to the Environment Agency

ESOS will operate in four-yearly compliance phases. Organizations in the UK must assess whether or not they are required to participate in ESOS on the qualification date of each phase. The qualification date for the first phase was 31 December 2014.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs and how we can help.