Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Lean Organisation Management Techniques (RQF)

Qualification Overview and Details

This qualification is aimed at individuals wishing to understand and use business improvement techniques, commonly known as ‘Lean’. These techniques can be applied to a variety of sectors from manufacturing through to offices and aims to reduce waste and improve efficiency within organisations.

The HABC Level 2 Certificate in Lean Organisation Management Techniques (RQF) has been accredited by the regulators of England and Wales (Ofqual and the Welsh Government) and is part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (RQF).
It is supported by SEMTA the Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering & Manufacturing Technologies. This qualification maps to the National Occupational Standards for Business Improvement Techniques.


  • Lean organisation techniques in business
    • Understand the concept of a lean environment
    • Be able to implement the productivity needs analysis process
    • Be able to produce a process map
  • Business improvement tools and techniques
    • Know about continuous improvement techniques (Kaizen)
    • Understand the principles and techniques of workplace organisation
    • Be able to use visual indicators to improve the work environment
    • Know ways to eliminate variance from processes in the workplace
  • Working in business teams
    • Understand what makes an effective team
    • Be able to work effectively in a team
    • Understand the role of a team leader

Book Now

For more information on how studying a Highfield course at Horizon Risk Consultancy can benefit you and your workplace, please fill out our contact form, call 01484 937128 or email info@horizonriskconsultancy.com

To make a booking please complete our booking form and email it to training@horizonriskconsultancy.com

Suggested Progression

Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Business Improvement Techniques (RQF)
Highfield Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Business Improvement Techniques (RQF)
Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Business Improvement Techniques
Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Business Improvement Techniques


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