BSI Associate Consultant Programme (ACP)

Horizon Risk Consultancy Ltd are approved as a member of the BSI (British Standards Institution) Associate Consultant Programme (ACP)


Horizon Risk Consultancy Ltd are proud to have been approved as a member of the BSI (British Standards Institution) Associate Consultant Programme (ACP) in July, 2017. As a member we have demonstrated our deep knowledge and experience with respect to certified management systems such as ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, OSHAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (will be replaced by ISO 45001) and ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System.

Successful businesses understand the value of an effective Management System that ensures the organization is focussed on meeting customer requirements, better managing risks and improving business efficiency. You may not have the resources, time or expertise in house to achieve this on your own. As an independent consultancy, we are trusted to give you the expert advice you need, help you put industry best practice in place within your business and support you throughout implementation as you work towards certification.


EU-Asia Chemical Regulations Workshop – Dublin, 6 December, 2018
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