The law states that a risk assessment must be suitable and sufficient. What makes a suitable and sufficient risk assessment? This self-assessment can help you, if you can answer ‘yes’ to all the questions below, then your risk assessment approach is likely to be suitable and sufficient.
Have you:
- ensured commitment from all parties (senior management, employees and their representatives)?
- made a proper check of hazards?
- identified all people at risk?
- considered human factors?
- dealt with significant risks, and demonstrated the use of the hierarchy of controls when determining additional control measures?
- followed all the steps in the risk assessment process?
- focused on prevention and organisational level solutions?
- involved the workforce? (E.g. by seeking their suggestions, advice and comments on potential solutions to problems).
- considered both routine and non-routine work? (e.g. improvements to working conditions, changes in the way work is organised, etc).
- included all parts of the organisation’s work? (e.g. design, construction, operation and maintenance, etc).
- sought to develop and adopt solutions that are ‘reasonably practicable’?
- communicated the outcomes of the risk assessment with all affected employees?
Read more: Working safely during the coronavirus – health and safety guide
If you need further help carrying out a risk assessment, or if you need specific health and advice for your industry, please call 01484 937128 or email