Highfield Qualifications Level 2 Award in Conflict Management (RQF)

Who is this qualification for?

There has been a steady increase in the incident of violence, aggression and verbal abuse towards people who work in a variety of roles across the public and private sectors. This qualification aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to reduce the likelihood of abusive and threatening behaviour occurring within the workplace. It is appropriate for a wide range of sectors and is suitable for anyone who has a customer facing role, deals with service users or the public. It can also be a useful qualification for individuals who would like a better understanding of how to prevent conflict situations from arising and feel more confident in being able to deal with situations if they arise.

This qualification is awarded by Highfield Qualifications and sits on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). The RQF is a qualification framework regulated by Ofqual and CCEA Regulation. The qualification is also supported by Skills for Security, the sector skills council for the security sector. It maps to National Occupational Standards (NOS): protect yourself from the risk of violence at work.


  • How communication can be used to solve problems and reduce the likelihood of conflict
  • The factors that influence human responses in conflict situations
  • How to assess and reduce risks in conflict situations
  • How to communicate effectively and de-escalate ate conflict in emotive situations
  • Good practice to follow after conflict situations


‘The course is very relevant. Thank you very much, very informative!’

– John David Caunt

More Information

For more information on how studying a Highfield course at Horizon Risk Consultancy can benefit you and your workplace, please contact us. Call 01484 937128 or email info@horizonriskconsultancy.com

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    Suggested Progression

    Highfield Level 3 Award in the Delivery of Conflict Management Training (RQF)